• – HJH Investments’ revolutionary tracking token for real estate assets is launched. As a tracking token, the HJH REAL Token comes with a game-changing innovation style.
  • – It is quite simple for those who want to buy the token. As an investor, it will be enough to download the Coinbase application and add money. Along with this step, you also need to get the MetaMask application.

Thus, you will have transferred USDC and ETH from Coinbase to the wallet. Wallet access is also required for users to access an exchange portal (SushiSwap or UniSwap). Because it is necessary to connect crypto wallets to the system to purchase the HJHRE token.

Tracking Indicators with Team Defined Features

This new coin aims to perform its integrated operation using cryptocurrency. The location of this money will be crucial, especially for integrating the features of the stock market, real estate, and ETFs.

Specifically, the team also shared the following aspects regarding the various cryptocurrency exchanges in the project:

  • – The purpose of the exchange of HJH Real token is to achieve a successful market valuation along with the use of formulas as targeted metrics.
  • – Another purpose of ETFs, in conjunction with the token function, is to monitor a collection of investments serially through a series of data points.
  • – One of the real estate aspects is that HJH Investments’ real estate portfolio is an object linked to an ETF-like tracking system.

By purchasing HJHRE, you do not provide an investment against the real estate assets of HJH Investments. Through your purchase of the token, your goal is to provide the necessary access to the real estate portfolio of HJH Investments. For those aiming to use a robust monitoring mechanism, the project is launched with a dual pricing system.

  • – Real Estate Asset and Income Pricing (REI) functions as an applied price-earnings logic in the market for the real estate industry.
  • – Proof of Volume (POV) provides the process of dividing a thoroughly researched statistical coefficient by the total HJRE exchanged or gifted in the market. The share is designed to reflect trading volume without crushing the REI amount.

The launch date of HRH Real Token is known as March 31, 2022. During this time, it has achieved about 400 million coins with its launch. According to the developers, the maximum supply of the HJH Real token isn’tt designed to go beyond 1.2 billion units.

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