• -Blockchain Fest 2022 continues to continue the best crypto tradition with the move of FINEXPO stepping into Singapore.
  • -Aiming to realize the best accommodation for figures and professionals with the Singapore Marina Bay Sand, which takes place in June as luxurious and iconic.

Marina, which will host professional crypto communities, aims to provide a professional service for its visitors in Singapore, along with many activities such as expertise, networking, learning. Waiting for every visitor, Singapore strives to provide professionalism with many essential elements. Blockchain Fest was a huge success when it took place twice in Singapore. Especially since Blockchain Fest is not a socialite, this year’s guests of the show have adopted a new concept for the blockchain community with leaders, fairgrounds, official party style. In this way, a change was made by trying to adopt a different routine.

Blockchain Fest Organization

2022 aims to be better with many various events of the blockchain series in both Cyprus and Singapore. Therefore, many measures are followed to optimize the experience for the organizing committee participants. Progress has also been made in terms of COVID measures to enable visitors to participate in conference and panel discussions. In this way, it is ensured that it is optimized for exploring the inside perspective in the network industry.

  • -The city-state of Singapore event is becoming a true crypto hub. For this reason, it is seen that Singapore has come to the fore as a well-known global wealth center. Like Binance, cryptocurrencies have a large community in terms of potential. It has also managed to attract the attention of the public, as it is not the first time that Finexpo has organized a demonstration about blockchain.
  • -With the approach of the festival, many opportunities are created for everyone to learn. It is aimed to complete everything as soon as possible in this event, especially where conference and some network plans are provided. This will also include traditional topics for panel discussions and workshops. In particular, topics such as Blockchain, stock markets, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance, gaming, gambling, online payments will also be covered.

Progress is being made to create a unique event with the stands of the companies that will be present at the festival, and network areas for meetings. In this way, Crypto rewards will also stand out as a part of this event. Opportunities await everyone at this event, thanks to the many ratings that will be realized with the feedback and comments of the visitors and customers.

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