The trading volume for the blue chip NFT project Pudgy Penguins has seen a huge increase since the news of the collaboration with retail giant Walmart broke. Weekly trading volume for the project during the period of Sept. 24 and Oct. 1 increased to $3.32 million, representing a 241% rise compared to the week prior- the highest amount seen for Pudgy Penguins since its launch in July.

The collaboration with Walmart involves the sale of toys connected to the Pudgy Penguin brand, with a total of 26 available across 2000 stores. Customers purchasing these toys also gain access to a gaming platform called Pudgy World, with the opportunity to create a ‘Forever Pudgy’ avatar. Each toy carries a price tag of up to $12.

Pudgy Penguin is an NFT collection of 8,888 cartoon penguins, and has so far made $321.9 million in total trading volume as per the data from the NFT marketplace OpenSea, with its floor price standing at 4.9 ETH, equivalent to $8,270.

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