An ex-employee of one of the facilities in Massachusetts was accused of taking about $18,000 worth of electricity for 11 miners that were hidden in the school basement.

A former member of the facilities staff, who is believed to have initiated a clandestine operation to mine a cryptocurrency within the crawl space of a Massachusetts school, will be arrested for failing to show up for his court hearing on the charges.

Nadeam Nahas was set to appear in court on February 23rd to answer to allegations of destroying property belonging to a school as well as illegally using electricity, according to media sources.

A default warrant is a form of warrant that courts issue when an individual doesn't show up in court or follow a directive. This warrant grants the authorities the power to detain the individual.

It has been reported that Nahas, who was said to have once been an employee at the facilities department of Cohasset, Massachusetts, USA, has been accused of stealing electricity valued at $18,000 to fuel his crypto-mining activities from April 28 to December 14 of 2021.

According to reports, the local police were first notified about the operation in December 2021 when the facilities director of Cohasset noticed computers, wiring, and ductwork that appeared to be in the wrong place, considering that they were located in a crawl space close to the school's boiler room.

Altogether 11 computers were located at the site. Following a three-month probe, Nahas was recognized as the one responsible.

In March, Nahas left his job at Cohasset voluntarily.

This is not the first instance of an individual accused of taking electricity without permission for the purpose of cryptocurrency mining.

In July 2021, Malaysian authorities demolished Bitcoin mining rigs valued at $1.2 million that had been taken away from citizens caught utilizing electricity without permission to mine cryptocurrencies.

In August 2020, the Bulgarian police apprehended two individuals for illegally drawing electricity worth over $1.5 million to run two cryptocurrency-mining farms.

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