Bithumb, one of South Korea's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, recently announced the listing of two virtual assets, BIGTIME and STMX, on its platform. BIGTIME is used within Big Time's gaming ecosystem for in-game transactions, purchases, and activities. STMX is the native token of the StormX platform, which facilitates cashback services in cryptocurrencies, and users can receive it as a reward for engaging in various activities. Not long after the listing announcement, both cryptocurrencies saw an uptick in price, BIGTIME increasing by 4.13% and STMX raising 2.16%. Although investing in virtual assets can bring lucrative rewards, Bithumb issued a warning to its users to be mindful of the risks that this kind of investments can bring. To become aware of trading precautions, the exchange instructed compulsory five-minute pauses before buy and sell orders, as well as restricting orders which go above a 100% or below 10% of the base price.

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