This week the XRP markets saw a push-and-pull between bulls and bears as the coin set a 9% weekly advance despite lowered trade volumes when compared to recent weeks. Ripple, the creator of XRP, has had a busy week meanwhile, launching its third-quarter report and its public company, Flare Networks, terminating its plans to move XRP into a smart contracts platform. Even though XRP has seen the best market-performance in the past two weeks, the question remains of whether this is the beginning of a sustainable trend or a mere correction to the price fall seen earlier this year.

To analyze the current state of the XRP markets in a better way, it is useful to look at the fundamentals behind the coin. First, the developments initiated by Ripple have been seen as beneficial for the cryptocurrency. With both its third-quarter report, which highlighted financial progress and the creation of its public company,The Flare Network, investors see that the company is going through worrying changes.These developments generally improved the confidence in the coin and as a result the XRP price saw an increase from $ 0.245 a week ago to its current level of $ 0.27.

In addition, the recent announcement regarding the termination of the plans to move XRP into a smart contracts platform has also given a boost to the coin. Without a doubt, this news also acted as a catalyst for the upward trend, as investors were reassured that the platform will stay in its current state.

On the technical side, however, the XRP markets are lacking in bullish signals. Bearing in mind that a correction is imminent when the markets are overbought, the current RSI of 67 still needs to cool off before a rally can be seen. Since the MA50 and MA 200 are still only slightly inclined, there still needs to be a fundamental push in order to sustain the current uptrend.

Despite the impressive gains made by XRP this week, it would be wise for investors to keep an eye on the coin's fundamentals and technicals in order to make an informed decision. While the coin may have made itself more attractive in the short-term to both institutional and individual investors, it remains to be seen whether this is a sustainable trend or a false dawn.

This week, XRP surged by 9% amidst other notable events taking place at Ripple. In its third-quarter report, the company mentioned their financial progress and launched their public company, the Flare Network. In addition to this, they also announced that they had ceased plans to move XRP into a smart contract platform. This bit of news helped bolster the coin's price from $0.245 a week ago to its current level of $0.27.

When it comes to technical analysis, XRP market signals show potential for a correction in the coming days. The RSI (Relative Strength Index) currently stands at 67 which signals a need to shift to bearish territory. Additionally, the MA50 (Moving Average 50) and MA 200 (Moving Average 200) are only slightly inclined. This means that in order for the coin to sustain its upward trajectory, more fundamental movement needs to take place.

In spite of the gains made by XRP in the past week, investors need to take into account the coin's fundamentals and technicals when it comes to making decisions regarding the future of the coin. All of these recent developments increase the attractiveness of the coin for both institutional and individual investors, yet there still remains to be seen whether this trend will hold and become sustainable in the long-term.

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