Recently, an unfortunate ATM glitch at Natwest Bank in East Ham, London issued more cash than requested to customers who used the ATM. As news of the malfunction spread, people lined up in hopes of withdrawing double the amount of money they asked for. The bank fixed the issue and clarified that customers can use the ATM as normal again; however, it is unclear whether those who withdrew funds from the malfunctioning ATM kept the money. This isn't the only customer service issue NatWest has had recently- in September there were reports of deposits not appearing in accounts, however the bank immediately took action to resolve the issue. NatWest is one of the UK's top banks with 960 branches and 3,400 cash machines across the country. The incident with the malfunctioning ATM serves as a reminder that glitches and other customer service issues can occur, and as such it is important for major banks to have systems in place to quickly fix any problems and keep customers informed.

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