Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) has recently proposed a new way of generating extra revenue on Twitter. He suggested that Twitter owners should add a feature so that users need to pay a small amount before they can comment on threads that are outside their network. CZ suggested crypto as a payment option and promised to donate all of his proceeds to charity. This idea was part of a conversation between renowned venture capitalist Paul Graham and the Tesla founder and CEO, Elon Musk. It started when Graham pointed out a suspicious trend of high Blue Check subscription rate amongst his followers who are tech-oriented. Musk joked at offering to pay for Graham's Blue Check subscription, an offer which the latter accepted, but only if Twitter restructured the Model.

CZ's proposal aims to make Twitter a less accessible platform for bot users, as well as a more profitable one. It could also be seen as a way of compensating content creators. If implemented, it would be easier for users to see who has already paid for the feature, just like Graham did with his followers. In addition, it could become an avenue users can use to support their favorite creators who may not get verified because of the merit system.

CZ's idea has generated some buzz, with many on Twitter responding positively. Others showed fears that with more revenue streams added to the platform, more schemes and scams could occur. However, it is still unclear whether Twitter itself will take on the suggestion and how it would be precisely implemented, if at all. But if it were to materialize, it could definitely bring Twitter to the forefront of innovation in digital payment and content creation.

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