Magna cum laude is an academic honor signifying academic excellence, and is typically awarded to high-performing students when they graduate. It is the second highest academic Latin honor, with summa cum laude being the highest and cum laude the lowest of the three honors. It can also be used as a scholarship title or at the college/university level, such as when recipients of magna cum laude graduation recognition are invited to join the school’s honor society.

In order to receive the magna cum laude honor, students must typically have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the very top percentile of their class. The range in GPA required for this honor can vary from college to college, but is often between 3.5 and 3.8 or higher. In addition to meeting the GPA requirements, students may also have to demonstrate leadership through involvement in extracurricular activities, internships or awards to gain the distinction.

By earning the magna cum laude honor, students are being recognized for the hard work and dedication they have offered to their academic studies. This recognition can be quite valuable when it comes to college applications, job applications and more. It is a title that signifies that a student is among the top in their class, and will stay with them throughout their academic and professional careers.

The magna cum laude honor has been around in its Latin form since Harvard University began awarding it in the mid-19th century, but the tradition of honoring academic excellence goes even further back in time. Today, the magna cum laude designation is an honor to be proud of, and is a designation that has the power to open future doors of opportunity.