Market risk refers to changes in the performance of the financial market which can impact the value of investments as whole. It is also known as systematic risk and it cannot be eliminated through diversification as it affects all investments within the same market at the same time. It is the opposite of unsystematic risk or ‘specific risk’ which refers to changes in the performance of a particular security; unsystematic risk can be mitigated through diversification.

Market risk is caused by a variety of different factors. Changes in stock market indices, such as the S&P 500, can have an effect on the performance of the entire market. Interest rates and exchange rates can also have an impact on the market; rising interest rates can decrease demand for investments since investors view them as a less attractive option, while rising exchange rates can mean that investments in foreign markets become more expensive.

Political and economic conditions can also significantly affect the performance of the global financial market. For example, geopolitical events such as coups and wars can cause investors to become fearful and opt to remove their funds from the market, while recessions lead to reduced global economic activity and weakened foreign currency values, thus impacting the performance of investments.

It is important for investors to be aware of market risk and to take measures to mitigate its potential impact. This includes having a well-diversified portfolio across different asset classes, such as equities, bonds, and real estate. Additionally, investors should keep up to date on global financial news and events and adjust their portfolios accordingly.

In conclusion, market risk is an important factor to be aware of when investing. It is a type of systematic risk which affects the performance of the entire market at the same time and cannot be eliminated through diversification. The causes of market risk include changes in interest rates and currency exchange rates, geopolitical events, and recessions. Investors should strive to diversify their portfolios and remain up to date with global news in order to better respond to any changes in the market.