The Kazakhstan National Fund is managed by the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan National Fund currently holds over 20% of all the assets of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is an impressive amount of assets and offers the country with a large source of funds when needed.

The Kazakhstan National Fund plays a very important role in the economy of Kazakhstan. The funds are used primarily to cushion the impacts of any economic fluctuation caused by changes in oil and gas prices, or any other factors. This reduces the impact of any sudden crisis, natural disasters or even unexpected macroeconomic developments on the domestic economy.

The Kazakhstan National Fund holds a variety of investments such as foreign bonds, investor stocks, and other types of assets. Furthermore, the fund holds international reserves, including gold, in order to maintain a buffer from potential fluctuations from foreign currency exchange rates.

The Fund is managed in accordance with international standards, practices and Best‐in‐Class risk management systems in order to ensure the security and safety of its investments.

Furthermore, the Kazakhstan National Fund is also used to support economic growth and development, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. The fund has recently announced a number of initiatives to help drive economic growth in the lands of Kazakhstan, including the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, which is aimed to provide financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Kazakhstan National Fund also works to ensure inclusivity of private sector participation in the economy. This is achieved through its Business Investment Initiative, which seeks to increase access to finance to medium and small-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Kazakhstan National Fund is a fundamental part of the economic and financial system in Kazakhstan. It provides an ever-present source of resources for the country, enabling it to maintain stability and cushion any sharp changes that could have a massive impact on the lives of people and the country. For this reason, the Kazakhstan National Fund must continue to be managed efficiently and prudently in order for the people and economy of Kazakhstan to be safe and prosperous.