An investment manager is a professional who oversees the collective investments of clients by selecting and managing appropriate investments which match their individualized or collective risk profiles and financial objectives. Investment managers have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients, meaning their decisions should be in the clients’ best interests at all times.

Investment managers make decisions about investing in different markets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, or in different financial instruments such as hedge funds, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds. Before investing, they assess data they receive from clients, often including personal information and financial objectives, to determine the best way to allocate their financial resources. This requires an in-depth analysis of financial markets as well as an understanding of how individual markets operate. Investment managers may also create and maintain an investment portfolio, which is a combination of different investments based on their analysis, as well as research and advice from financial advisors.

Investment managers have a wide range of responsibilities, from evaluating new opportunities to monitoring existing investments, ensuring that their clients’ portfolios maximize returns within their desired risk tolerance. They must be able to develop and execute a trading strategy that is appropriate for their clients’ financial goals. In order to do this, they must stay up to date on market trends and shifts, as well as news and other developments that could influence their investments.

In addition to managing individual portfolios, many investment managers are responsible for asset class allocation and portfolio diversification. This includes developing a suitable asset allocation model, which could include stocks, bonds, cash, and other investment vehicles, and then diversifying investments within each asset class. This helps to reduce risk and maximize returns over time.

Overall, investment managers use their financial expertise and utilise their understanding of markets and asset classes to deliver the best investment outcomes for their clients. Acting as a trusted advisor to their clients, investment managers must always look for the most suitable investment techniques and strategies for their clients, taking into account their individualized financial objectives, risk tolerance and other factors. Investment managers have a critical role to play in helping their clients achieve their investment goals.