A domestic corporation is a type of business entity that is created and incorporated under the laws of its home country or state. A domestic corporation conducts its operations and affairs within its own country or state and is typically subject to that jurisdiction's laws, regulations, and taxation. It is also referred to as a home or native corporation.

Domestic corporations are formed and created under the specific laws and regulations of their home country or state. For instance, a company that wants to form a domestic corporation in the United States will need to register and comply with the laws and regulations of the state in which it is incorporated. The requirements for creating a domestic corporation vary across locations and jurisdictions, but include submitting the appropriate paperwork and paying the applicable fees.

A domestic corporation has the ability to conduct business transactions within its country or state and can enjoy several benefits and advantages that come with its entity form. Domestic corporations typically enjoy the benefit of limited liability, which limits the potential legal and financial obligations of the company’s owners and shareholders. Additionally, operating as a domestic corporation may provide access to beneficial tax treatment from the home country or state.

Domestic corporations can choose from several types of entity forms, such as a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, and limited liability partnership (LLP). The form chosen for a domestic corporation will have impacts on its liability structure, complexity, and tax consequences. Therefore, it is important to consider the business's circumstances and needs in order to determine the best form of entity for the company.

Overall, domestic corporations are an attractive form of business entity for companies based in their home country, jurisdiction, or state due to their potential benefits and advantages. The owners and shareholders are typically provided limited liability, and the company may receive favorable tax treatment. Depending on the circumstances and needs of the business, the right entity form can help to provide the most efficient operations and longevity.