Commercial Mortgage-Backed Security (CMBS) are financial instruments that represent a pool of the underlying mortgages that make up a trust. CMBS are made up of commercial mortgages which are secured by one or multiple commercial properties, as opposed to residential real estate. The mortgages in a CMBS trust can be made up of purchase loans, refinances, loan originations, or any other type of real estate loan agreement involving a commercial property.

The purpose of a CMBS is to spread the credit risk of a particular mortgage or real estate portfolio among a large group of investors, much like a mutual fund. Investors receive principal and interest payments based on the quality of the underlying loans and their respective payment histories. This is important, as it reduces the risk of default since the risk is spread among several investments. CMBS are typically offered in the form of bonds, which can be bought and sold in the open market, allowing investors to be more flexible with their investments.

CMBS are attractive to both lenders and borrowers as they allow for larger loan amounts to be secured at a lower interest rate. This is due to the higher creditworthiness of an entire pool of mortgaged properties, as opposed to a single borrower. CMBS bonds can also be structured in a variety of ways, providing investors with a special level of flexibility when it comes to their desired return and risk combinations.

In addition to the lower interest rates and increased flexibility, CMBS are also beneficial to both borrowers and lenders as they facilitate increased liquidity in the market. This is because CMBS can be quickly bought and sold in the public markets, allowing lenders to more easily re-invest their capital and borrowers to refinance their loan and obtain more favorable terms.

Overall, commercial mortgage-backed securities are an increasingly popular form of investment as they offer investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolio, while also providing lenders and borrowers the flexibility and liquidity needed to facilitate the commercial real estate market