
Top 10 Most Active Cryptocurrencies on GitHub Over 9 Months

Top 10 Most Active Cryptocurrencies on GitHub Over 9 Months
Recent data from GitHub shows the top ten most active cryptocurrencies over the last nine months based on developer engagement. The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) tops the list with 6,012 commits, despite a price drop of 13.7%. Sushi and Mina Protocol closely follow with active development, despite price declines of 5.7% and 7.8% respectively. Bitcoin recorded 2,329 commits and a price increase of 14.3%, highlighting investor confidence and project growth. Chainlink and Cosmos also saw price increases of 10.6% and 2.6% respectively, along with significant developer support. PancakeSwap, Storj, and eCash round out the top ten with strong developer involvement and potential growth opportunities.

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