
Cardano Processes 8 Transactions Invoiced to 1,600 Recipients for Just 5.16 ADA

Cardano Processes 8 Transactions Invoiced to 1,600 Recipients for Just 5.16 ADA
The Cardano blockchain recently processed eight transactions in a single block, demonstrating its scalability and efficiency. This achievement, highlighted by Charles Hoskinson, the creator of Cardano, showcases the platform's potential as a leading blockchain. The block achieved 80 transactions per second without using Hydra, Cardano's scaling project, which has increased investors' optimism about the blockchain. The upcoming integration of Hydra and Leios, two major upgrades, is expected to further reduce transaction costs and improve scalability. ADA, the native token of Cardano, has returned to the tenth place by market cap, with a market cap of $13.43 billion. At the time of writing, ADA is trading at $0.3846.

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