
Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI)

Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI) is an attractive option for those who have recently left service in the military. This type of insurance provides an easy way for former military personnel to maintain their existing group life insurance coverage that was in place while they were on active duty–providing a peace of mind that their families are financially secure in the event of the veteran’s passing.

For those who elect to continue with VGLI, they are able to secure life insurance coverage of between $10,000 and $400,000, based on the amount of coverage they had while in the service. To do this, they need to exercise the option within one year and 120 days of leaving their active military service. The good news is that premiums on VGLI are very low, making this a cost-effective way to ensure financial security and peace of mind.

The other benefit is that veterans are not subject to a qualifying health exam when applying for VGLI, provided they exercise the option within the one year and 120 day window. This is yet another advantage for those who want to secure life insurance coverage quickly and easily.

In summary, Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI) offers many advantages to former military personnel who are looking for a way to maintain their life insurance coverage. VGLI provides a cost-effective way to get life insurance coverage without needing to take a qualifying health exam and offers coverage amounts up to $400,000. This type of plan can provide a great peace of mind for those leaving service in the military.

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