During Q3 2024, engagement with NFTs and player session lengths increased in Telegram's gaming ecosystem, according to a report by Helika. The number of unique wallets involved in NFT transfers rose from 200,000 to over 1 million, with 600,000 actively participating in NFT transactions within games. Average session lengths nearly doubled from 2.8 to 6.7 minutes, indicating improved game design and user engagement. European players accounted for the majority with 55.91%, contrasting with traditional Web3 gaming regions in Asia and Latin America. Catizen completed its first airdrops, boosting activity and integration into Telegram. Other games like Gamee, X Empire, Rocky Rabbit, Banana, and Wonton also saw increased player numbers and engagement. However, developers faced challenges due to increased competition, limited marketing budgets, and the need to diversify game genres for a wider range of experiences.

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