The price of Telegram's coin, Notcoin (NOT), has dropped 20% over the past month, causing 71% of holders to be "out of the money." However, on-chain analysis suggests that the downtrend may be coming to an end. The increase in the Coins Holding Time, which indicates how long the cryptocurrency has been held without being sold, suggests a potential uptrend. The Money Flow Index (MFI) is slowly rising, indicating the influx of buying pressure. Additionally, the formation of a falling wedge pattern on the daily chart suggests a bullish reversal. If NOT breaks above the resistance level with strong volume, the price could rise by 70% to $0.012. However, rejection at the resistance level could lead to a slide to $0.0062.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-10-30
Telegram Coin Notcoin (NOT) Shed 20%, but Breakout Could be Close