The XRP fair valuation calculator suggests that the price of XRP could increase as daily trading volumes increase. Many believe that XRP is currently undervalued, which could be due to factors such as the ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC. Speculation had also risen that Ripple itself may be suppressing XRP's price, but this has been denied by company representatives. Some industry leaders have attempted to estimate XRP's fair market value, and one model developed at Stanford's Graduate School of Business uses parameters such as daily transaction volume to project XRP's potential value. Using this model, the calculator estimated that at a daily transaction volume of $40 billion, XRP's value could be $2.43. If volumes increased to $120 billion, the fair value could be $3.10, and at $250 billion, the value could be $4.17. It is important to note that these projections rely on assumptions and factors such as transaction frequency and interest rates. Currently, XRP's daily trading volume is $3.5 billion, but it has the potential to reach higher levels with increased adoption.

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