Hamster Kombat, a tap-to-earn network on Telegram, is facing challenges as its user base declines and its token remains in a bear market. Despite a 75% rise from its October low, the token has fallen 72% from its all-time high. The market capitalization has also dropped significantly. The active user count has declined steeply, with many users shifting to other Telegram mini-apps. The network is working to re-engage users ahead of the Season 2 launch. However, historically, gaming and other "to earn" cryptocurrencies often experience a decline in hype over time. There is potential for the token price to rebound if the broader crypto bull run continues, potentially doubling in value in the near term. The token has formed a bullish pennant pattern, which historically leads to a strong breakout. The price could reach $0.0118, representing a 200% gain, but this outlook would be invalidated if the token falls below $0.0030.

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