Flare Networks has announced significant changes to its Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO) v2 rewards mechanism. The FTSO v2, which recently launched on the Flare mainnet, aims to improve the incentive distribution system for network users. Under the revised approach, 50% of FTSO incentives will be postponed for a week, resulting in reduced prizes for the following two epochs. Full incentives are expected to begin flowing on November 28. Flare advises users to quickly switch their delegations to data providers supporting the v2 protocol to maximize their chances of qualifying for future awards. Additionally, Flare has partnered with Red Date Technology to bring distributed KYC, enabling mainland Chinese guests in Hong Kong to have controlled but anonymous digital access. The native coin FLR continues to attract interest, with a 1.13% increase and a market cap over $1.2 billion.

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