With high security, Ferrum’s on-chain token bridge reached 138 million USD in transaction volume, which was one of the important news on the agenda.

  • -Ferrum Network, a platform that enables multi-chain smart contracts, was trying to optimize its trading volume with the Multi-Chain Bridge they launched.
  • -With this state of the market, it is pursuing a smart direction to solve the liquidity problem that has been fragmented by providing Ferrum Network company referrals focused on the most suitable arbitrage opportunities in multiple networks and DEX.

According to the latest situation, the company (Ferrum Network), which acts as a bridge between the blockchain interoperability protocol, adds that they have started an exciting journey. Working with an average of 2 million dollars liquid per day is also an important criterion for the excitement of the company. Thanks to this multi-chain bridge, they do not have to use the tokens on the bridge and perform the locking process and press new ones to the target chain. In this way, it is easiest to monitor local hunts and situations in networks.

Market Place of Ferrum Network

Known as the Ferrum Network platform, the company takes the lead in ushering in the 2.0 era of interoperability. They also adapt to every chain in many industries, providing them with infrastructure support to deliver value, data, and functional interoperability.

  • -With Ferrum Network, many companies can continue by creating solutions in a single network. They will also be able to enable multifunctional infrastructures for their dApps and projects by deploying the solutions they have created. Enabling multi-chain functionality without the burden of managing this infrastructure will be an opportunity for them.
  • -The platform also has a certain position in the DeFi ecosystem. This position is specifically about breaking down the barriers in the security system of the DeFi ecosystem. The platform reveals its aims by creating a new website in this regard.
  • -The Ferrum platform also stands out as a platform built specifically for DeFi investors to solve their difficulties and secure their assets for them. In particular, the 2.0 steps of the platform, which have managed to expand the blockchain protocol ecosystem, stand out in terms of interoperability.

Ferrum Network has a place in social media platforms, along with the ongoing efforts to reach the desired transaction volume in the chain token bridge.

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