According to CoinMarketCap, most cryptocurrencies are maintaining the growth they experienced yesterday. Specifically, the price of DOGE has increased by 1.05% in the past 24 hours. However, on the hourly chart, DOGE is seeing a decline after encountering resistance at $0.1190. If buyers do not take control, there is a possibility of further decline to the $0.11 range. On a larger time frame, DOGE has rebounded from the $0.1193 level. If the daily candle does not close significantly higher, traders may witness a correction to the $0.1050-$0.11 zone by the end of the week. Looking at the midterm perspective, DOGE is currently not near any major support or resistance levels, suggesting that ongoing consolidation within the $0.10-$0.12 range is likely. At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.1136.

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