The Cardano blockchain has demonstrated scalability and affordability by processing eight transactions for 1,600 recipients in a single block, with fees totaling just $2.38. This showcases Cardano's potential as a leading blockchain platform. The block achieved 80 transactions per second (TPS) without using the Hydra scaling project, increasing optimism for the blockchain's potential. The upcoming integration of Hydra and Leios is expected to further reduce transaction costs and improve scalability. ADA, the native token of Cardano, has returned to the tenth spot in market capitalization, surpassing Tron (TRX). However, readers are advised to exercise caution and consider this information for informational and educational purposes only.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-09-26
Cardano Flexes Its Muscles: 8 Transactions, 1600 Recipients at Just $2.38 Fees