Wrapped nxm (WNXM)

$ 31.070000000000000000

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What is Wrapped NXM Wrapped NXM is a cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created as a “wrapped” version of NXM, a coin created by Nexus Mutual and denominated in NXM units. Wrapped NXM provides users with a safe, secure and trustless way to transact with and store NXM. Who founded it? Wrapped NXM was founded by Nexus Mutual, a decentralized risk-sharing platform that provides a collective pool of funds to protect against smart contract risk. Launched in late 2018, Nexus Mutual is the world’s first mutual insurance company on the blockchain. What Makes it Unique? Wrapped NXM is the first decentralized coin based on the NXM currency. It offers a secure and trustless environment for the users to store and transact their NXM coins. NXM tokens are also able to be used on the Ethereum network, potentially allowing for users to engage in DeFi applications that require NXM as collateral or as payment. Where does it used? Wrapped NXM can be used for a variety of applications on the Ethereum blockchain, with its most popular use being as a decentralized form of collateral for DeFi applications. Wrapped NXM is also usable as a form of payment on certain decentralized applications, such as a software development platform, that require NXM tokens. Where to buy/sell it? Wrapped NXM is available to buy and sell on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Gate.io and IDEX. It is also available on decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap and Kyber Network.