Wax (WAXP)

$ 0.053100000000000000

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What is WAX? WAX (Worldwide Asset eXchange), is a blockchain-based decentralized platform that offers a wide range of services including the ability to trade digital assets in the form of virtual items (such as cosmetics, gaming items, and more). It is a P2P (peer-to-peer) network that allows for frictionless and secure trading of digital assets among users across its network. Who Founded It? WAX was founded by William E. Quigley and Jonathan Yantis, who are both experienced digital asset traders. They were later joined by Malcolm CasSelle, the former President of Digital Media at SeaChange International, to form the core team behind the project. What Makes it Unique? The most unique feature of WAX is its open source smart contract technology which makes digital asset trading fast, secure and easy. Smart contracts, which are built on the platform, allow buyers and sellers to interact with each other directly, eliminating the need for a third party escrow service. The platform also makes use of WAX Tokens, which are a form of blockchain-based digital currency. These tokens allow users to pay fees, reward contributors and create their own decentralized marketplaces. These tokens are ERC20 compliant, so they can be exchanged between users on a variety of decentralized exchanges. What Makes it Unique? WAX is the only platform specifically designed to facilitate the secure transfer of digital assets, such as gaming items and cosmetics, from one user to another worldwide. With its advanced smart contract technology and secure payments and services, it provides a safe and easy way for digital asset traders to do business. Additionally, it offers rewards for users who participate in the network which can be accumulated and exchanged for WAX Tokens. Where does it Used? WAX is primarily used by gamers, digital asset traders, and collectors. It makes it possible for gamers to have secure access to digital content, and provides a platform to facilitate the trade of virtual items and game currency across global markets. It is also popular among collectors as a digital asset exchange, where they can buy and sell digital items from gaming and beyond. Where to Buy/Sell It? WAX Tokens can be bought and sold on a number of popular cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi, Bittrex, and Upbit. Additionally, the token can be purchased with fiat currency on sites such as Changelly and Coinbase. It is also available for purchase on a variety of cryptocurrency ATMs.