Waves (WAVES)

$ 1.520000000000000000

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Waves is a cryptographic platform or protocol focused on blockchain technology, which began in 2016 when the Russian entrepreneur and physicist Sasha Ivanov created the platform and its cryptocurrency, Waves. The goal of the project is to make an open and accessible ecosystem that simplifies the development and use of blockchain technology. By doing so, Waves seeks to become the ideal platform to host decentralized applications and services, as well as create more use cases for blockchain technology. The key feature that makes Waves unique is that it relies on a consensus algorithm based on the Proof-of-Staked-Asset-Holders (PoSAH). By doing so, Waves reduces the risk of stalemate or a centralization risk, and reduces the costs associated with transactions. The waves consensus also integrates verifiable hardware devices with the blockchain, in order to guarantee trust and security. Waves is used for a number of applications, including asset token system creation, decentralized exchanges and marketplace services, dapps development and deployment, and debt token and smart contracts. Waves can be bought and sold through cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance and KuCoin. However, it’s also possible to buy Waves directly from brokers, such as Changelly and Coinbase. Waves can also be purchased and converted from fiat, such as the US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen. All in all, Waves is an ambitious project focused on making cryptocurrency and blockchain technology accessible and easy to use for everyone. With its unique consensus algorithm and wide range of applications, Waters could become the ideal platform for blockchain development and deployment.