Vidt datalink (VIDT)

$ 0.017520000000000000

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What is VIDT DAO Crypto Currency? VIDT DAO (VIDT) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) built on the VeChainThor blockchain. It stands for ‘Verified Identification Network Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ and was founded by Dutch company Valenci. The main focus of VIDT is to create an ecosystem that brings together companies ranging from small businesses to large corporations from multiple industries, countries and cultures, to cooperate as a unified network. This is achieved by establishing a secure network for document authentication, data exchange and digital asset management, which is powered by innovative blockchain and digital identity technologies. As a result, the ecosystem reduces the costs associated with digital identity management and increases the trustworthiness of digital documents, while allowing individuals and businesses to become compliant with the relevant regulatory requirements. Who Founded It? VIDT DAO was founded in the Netherlands by Henk van Dalen, one of the co-founders of Valenci. Valenci was founded in 2014 as a software development company, and the team behind it has been involved in developing services and software for many top-tier companies, such as the Dutch government, ING, the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, KPMG and RWB. What Makes It Unique? VIDT is a unique project as it combines blockchain technology and digital identity with the aim of improving data management while ensuring regulatory compliance. It also provides access to a secure, trusted, distributed identity management platform that allows users to securely exchange data, identify and authenticate documents, and manage digital assets. Furthermore, with its focus on security, transparency and compliance, the VIDT DAO was created to serve as the ‘backbone’ for the VeChainThor blockchain. By using VIDT’s innovative framework, companies can ensure the accuracy of digital documents, reduce the cost of digital identity management and protect their data from malicious actors. Where Does It Used? VIDT is designed to be used by a range of companies from different industries, including logistics, healthcare, legal, finance and retail. For example, it can be used by healthcare providers to securely and accurately manage medical records, by logistics companies to ensure the integrity of supply chain data, and by retail companies to authenticate customer identities. Where To Buy/Sell It? VIDT is currently available to buy and sell on several online exchanges (eg. Binance, Kucoin, Bittrex, etc.). It can also be purchased directly from the official website of the VIDT DAO, where it is offered in the form of VIDT tokens. The tokens are also traded against other major cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).