Vibe (VIBE)

$ 0.014683993800000000

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What is VIBE Crypto Currency? VIBE is a decentralized cryptocurrency coin based on the Ethereum blockchain, created to enable frictionless value transfer and payments. Founded in November 2017, VIBE is one of the early entrants in the cryptocurrency market. Who founded it? VIBE was founded by the non-profit organization, VIBEHub. The aim of VIBEHub is to bring together the world’s most influential people and organizations to use blockchain technology and virtual reality to better society. VIBEHub aims to use blockchain technology to empower people to make and finalize deals quickly and securely. What makes it unique? The main difference between VIBE and other cryptocurrency coins is its ability to transfer and store data. VIBECoin enables users to send messages directly from wallet-to-wallet with data payloads included, a functionality not seen in other digital currencies. The platform also has its own Virtual Reality marketplace, enabling users to create and sell virtual reality experiences and products. Where is it used? VIBE is currently used mostly by speculators and traders in the cryptocurrency market, who are looking to capitalize on its growth potential. However, VIBEs mission is to become the go-to cryptocurrency coin for virtual reality creators and vendors. VIBE can be used to purchase virtual reality experiences and products on the VIBEHub virtual reality marketplace. Where to buy/sell it? VIBE is available for purchase on several major cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi, OKEx, and IDEX. The coin can also be purchased directly from other users on the VIBEHub marketplace. In conclusion, VIBE is a decentralized cryptocurrency coin focused on enabling frictionless payments and value transfer, and leverage virtual reality to improve society. With its unique ability to store and transfer data, it has the potential to become the go-to cryptocurrency for VR. VIBE is currently available for purchase and trading on a few major cryptocurrency exchanges, and for direct transactions on the VIBEHub virtual reality marketplace.