Superrare (RARE)

$ 0.053900000000000000

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What is SuperRare Crypto Currency? SuperRare is a platform where users can buy, sell, and trade virtual art. It was founded in 2017 by an independent artist and software engineer, John Crain. Based on Ethereum, the platform enables buyers to purchase and own virtual art, while artists can sell and showcase their works on the platform. SuperRare is powered by Smart Contracts, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets securely, reliably, and quickly. In addition, all transactions are encrypted, ensuring secure storage of user data, artwork, and assets. Who Founded It? SuperRare was founded in 2017 by independent artist and software engineer, John Crain. What Makes It Unique? SuperRare stands out from other digital art marketplaces because it is powered by the Ethereum blockchain, allowing buyers to purchase and own virtual art, while artists can sell and showcase their works on the platform. In addition, its Smart Contract system ensures secure storage of user data, artwork, and assets, allowing for secure and reliable transactions. The platform’s Smart Contract system also means that transactions are encrypted, providing an additional layer of security. SuperRare also offers a wide range of virtual artworks, from digital painting, illustrations, photography, and animation, to installations and wearable art, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Where Is It Used? SuperRare is primarily used as a marketplace for buying and selling virtual art, but can also be used to trade digital assets. SuperRare offers a wide selection of artwork and digital assets that can be purchased and traded securely and quickly. Where to Buy/Sell It? SuperRare can be purchased on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Poloniex. Similarly, SuperRare can be sold on these exchanges. However, it should be noted that the exchanges may require verification before allowing users to buy or sell SuperRare. It’s highly recommended to check the terms and conditions of the exchange before trading SuperRare.