Substratum (SUB)

$ 0.159775837300000000

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Substratum (SUB) is a cryptocurrency coin that was created in 2017. It is the native currency of the Substratum Network which was created to provide a decentralized platform for web hosting and content delivery. The network is designed to allow anyone to rent out a portion of their computer’s hard drive in exchange for Substratum Coins, allowing users to distribute websites, files and other data without having to pay high hosting fees. Substratum was founded by the Substratum Foundation and is the brainchild of Justin Tabb, the software developer and co-founder of the company. The Substratum Network was intended to level the playing field when it comes to access to the web by providing an open source infrastructure that is not reliant on servers or expensive hosting packages. What makes Substratum unique is that it provides an automated and secure way for people to consume and distribute content over the web. The Substratum Network provides a decentralized platform for hosting content and providing access to websites and other data stored across the network. This is done through a secure distributed system which uses a combination of decentralized nodes and cryptographic protocols to make the information secure and private. Substratum is currently being used by leading companies in the web hosting industry, as well as small businesses who want to provide their customers with secure access to their websites. The Substratum Network also provides a platform for developers to build applications on top of, such as secure payment systems and secure data storage solutions. Substratum Coins can be purchased on many major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Changelly and Coinswitch. They can also be bought directly from the Substratum Foundation’s website with either Bitcoin or Ethereum. Substratum is a unique and powerful cryptocurrency coin that offers users both privacy and security when distributing and consuming content over the web. By using the decentralized network, web hosting and data storage is much more secure, cost-effective and efficient compared to traditional hosting methods. The coin’s potential is immense and it is no wonder that many companies are looking to use the network and the Substratum Coin for their web hosting needs.