Storj (STORJ)

$ 0.384500000000000000

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What Is Storj Crypto Currency? Storj (STORJ) is a decentralized cloud storage service. It works similarly to traditional cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox but with a few key differences. Firstly, Storj stores data on a peer-to-peer network instead of on a centralized server, meaning that it is both more secure and more resilient in the face of cyberattacks. Secondly, users of the Storj network can rent out their own space on their hard drives to others in order to earn STORJ tokens. The company behind Storj, Storj Labs, was founded in 2014 and offers a suite of products and services that make use of the Storj network. Who Founded It? Storj was founded by Shawn Wilkinson, John Quinn, Tome Boshevski and James Prestwich. The company was first established in 2014 and initially operated with a focus on research and development before expanding rapidly into the commercial cloud storage market. What Makes It Unique? Storj differs from traditional cloud storage services in a number of key ways. Firstly, Storj stores data in a decentralized fashion, meaning it is not stored on a single server but rather split up into multiple chunks that are distributed among a large network of computers (known as the Storj network). Secondly, Storj is designed to be resilient to cyberattacks - because data is spread out over a large number of nodes, if one node is breached it does not mean that the entire network is affected. Where Does It Used? Storj is used as an alternative to traditional cloud storage solutions for companies seeking a more secure and reliable option. Storj is especially useful for businesses that are looking to store large amounts of data, or require a high degree of security and privacy. Storj is also popular among businesses that are wary of dealing with centralized companies and prefer the idea of decentralizing the storage of their sensitive information. Where To Buy/Sell It? Storj can be purchased and sold on a number of different cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance, Kraken and Huobi. Storj can also be purchased directly from the Storj Labs website.