Stellar (XLM)

$ 0.108900000000000000

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What Is the Stellar Cryptocurrency? Stellar (XLM) is a decentralized payment network and electronic currencies. It was created by technologists Jed McCaleb and Joyce Kim in 2014 to build a blockchain-based payments platform. It is an open-source protocol with an independent network of computers that process and validate transactions on the blockchain. The Stellar network is powered by its own cryptocurrency, the Stellar Lumens (XLM). Stellar created its crypto currency to facilitate fast and affordable cross-border transactions. It enables users to send and receive payments with lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment methods. Who Founded It? Stellar was founded by Jed McCaleb and Joyce Kim, who later served as the project's lead developer and executive director, respectively. McCaleb is widely known for his involvement in a number of successful blockchain projects, including Ripple, Mt.Gox, and eDonkey. Kim left Stellar in 2016 and currently serves as the co-founder and executive director of the Stellar Development Foundation. What Makes It Unique? Stellar is unique in a number of ways. Its consensus algorithm allows for near-instant settlement of transactions and is incredibly energy-efficient. It also allows users to issue their own digital assets and access its decentralized exchange, which can be used to swap currencies. Where Is It Used? Stellar has consistently grown in popularity since its launch and is used by a variety of businesses and industries. It's particularly popular among financial institutions and remittance companies, as it allows them to facilitate faster and more cost-effective payments. Where To Buy/Sell It? Stellar Lumens can be bought and sold on most of the major cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase. It can also be bought with fiat currencies on certain exchanges, such as Uphold. Finally, it can also be bought with a credit card or PayPal on some exchanges.