Sologenic (SOLO) is a cryptocurrency coin that allows users to invest in a range of traditional financial assets, such as stocks and ETFs, without needing to purchase them directly. It is a tokenized financial asset platform that simplifies the purchasing and trading of stocks, ETFs and other financial products. Sologenic was founded by Phillip Mott. He had the vision of providing an easy way for people to invest in financial assets without needing to use a traditional broker-dealer. By leveraging blockchain technology and XRP, Sologenic enables users to own traditional assets, bypassing the need for complex and expensive brokerage accounts. What makes Sologenic (SOLO) unique is its ability to tokenize financial assets and allow users to trade them on the XRP ledger without needing to open a broker-dealer account. Sologenic allows users to leverage the advantages of blockchain technology, such as decentralization and security, without sacrificing usability. This makes financial assets more accessible and more cost-effective. Sologenic (SOLO) is used to enable users to purchase and trade tokenized financial assets, such as stocks and ETFs. It is currently available on a number of exchanges, including Binance,, Upbit, and Bitfinex. The token can also be used to pay trading fees on Sologenic’s platform. Sologenic (SOLO) can be purchased and sold on cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, and Upbit. The token can also be purchased with fiat currency on cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, and Kraken. Sologenic (SOLO) can also be bought and sold on certain peer-to-peer or over-the-counter exchanges, such as CryptoLocally.