Shentu (CTK)

$ 0.429000000000000000

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Shentu (CTK) is a cryptocurrency coin built on the Waves blockchain platform. It is the official currency of ShenTub, a blockchain-based entertainment platform owned by China's leading media company, Tencent. Shentu (CTK) was founded in 2018 by the Tencent group to enable the growth of their blockchain-based entertainment platform. It is the primary form of payment and decentralised entertainment currency on the platform. Shentu (CTK) is unique because of its use within the platform. The token enables users to receive rewards, participate in airdrops and also stake tokens to earn interest. Shentu holders also get special rewards depending on their levels of participation and stake in the platform. Shentu (CTK) is used primarily within the ShenTub platform for all payments and rewards. Its value is pegged to the US dollar and makes payments frictionless, secure and fast. Users can buy and sell Shentu (CTK) tokens on several leading exchanges such as Bitfinex, Binance and Huobi. Alternatively, users can purchase the token directly from the official Shentu website using US Dollars, Euros and Chinese Yuan. Overall, Shentu (CTK) is a rising star in the cryptocurrency space given its strong adoption on the Shentu platform and its use within the entertainment industry. It has a strong potential to become a widely used payment currency and its backing by a major media group makes it a sound investment. Comment 1: Shentu (CTK) looks like a great way to get involved in the blockchain space. It's backed by Tencent and has a potential to become a widely used payment currency. Comment 2: Shentu (CTK) looks like a very promising cryptocurrency with potentially strong rewards for holders. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this one!