Rsk infrastructure framework (RIF)

$ 0.112300000000000000

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RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF) is a decentralized and open-source infrastructure framework based on bitcoin, most commonly known as the "Smart Bitcoin" platform. The main goal behind RSK’s development is to bring the full potential of Bitcoin — as a cryptocurrency and a decentralized technology — to the global public. RSK was founded in 2015 by CEO Diego Gutierrez Zaldívar and co-founder and CTO Sergio Lerner, who have decades of experience in the Bitcoin space. RSK runs on its own public blockchain, which is secured by the Bitcoin network and integrates with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). What makes RSK unique is its smart contract technology, which makes it much faster and more secure than Ethereum. RSK's technology is built upon a smart contract platform that is Turing-complete, meaning it is capable of running any application or software that is expressed in computer code. It also has two-way peg technology, making it possible for users to bridge Bitcoin and all its associated assets to the RSK Network. RSK Infrastructure Framework is used by developers to create smart contracts in Bitcoin and other assets, as well as decentralized applications (dApps). These dApps are then used for a variety of applications ranging from financial access and payments to gaming, content delivery, and much more. RSK Infrastructure Framework can be purchased and sold on the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance or Coinbase. You will need to first set up an account on the chosen platform before you can buy or sell RSK. The RIF coin is also available on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap. To purchase RSK with fiat currencies, you will need to convert them to either Bitcoin or Ethereum, as these are the only two currencies accepted on exchanges. RSK Infrastructure Framework is a project that is aimed at bringing the power of Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and smart contracts to the global public. With its advanced technology and features, RSK is well-suited to become a major force in the crypto space. It has the potential to streamline many processes and create wealth and opportunities in the blockchain space.