Rlc (RLC)

$ 0.978000000000000000

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What Is iExec RLC Crypto Currency? iExec RLC (RLC) is a decentralized, open-source blockchain-based distributed computing platform. The project was founded in 2017 by Gilles Fedak and Haiwu He and aims to provide cloud computing services to decentralized applications (dApps) and enterprises. iExec allows DApp developers to outsource expensive cloud computing tasks to miners who run virtual machines and execute computational tasks. The iExec platform runs on top of Ethereum and uses the protocol’s token RLC (Run Logic Contract). The platform makes the cloud computing market an open, permissionless, and low-cost operation. Who Founded It? iExec was founded in 2017 by Gilles Fedak and Haiwu He. Both have a long history in coding, mathematics, computer science and related disciplines. Having hailed from prestigious universities, they saw a huge potential in the field of Cloud Computing, and proposed a revolutionary model to open up and make Cloud Computing market an open, permissionless and low-cost operation. What Makes It Unique? iExec is unique in its ability to offer a secure and trusted environment to run virtual machines and execute computational tasks. It is the basis for creating a new cloud computing industry. The iExec protocol allows users to submit tasks and retrieve results from blockchain-based applications. Additionally, the protocol enables users to pay for the services only when the job is completed. The protocol also offers improved scalability, data privacy, and security for the task submission and execution. Where Is It Used? iExec is used in a variety of industries to provide cloud computing services to decentralized applications (dApps). This includes data management, machine learning, data analysis, 3D rendering and more. Additionally, the iExec platform is used by game developers and content creators alike. For example, it can be used to deploy game servers, host game tournaments and create game marketplaces. Where To Buy/Sell It? iExec is available for purchase/sale on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, Binance, KuCoin, OKEx, Bitfinex, and others. Additionally, users can purchase/sell RLC with fiat currencies on various fiat-to-crypto platforms such as Uphold.