Rari governance token (RGT)

$ 14.440000000000000000

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Rari Governance Token (RGT) is a cryptocurrency asset, specifically an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token, created and issued by Rarible, a decentralized digital asset trading platform. RGT was created to empower macro and micro investors to have a say in the future direction of the Rarible market. In this way, RGT establishes a democratic governance structure in which holders can vote on key network decisions and policy updates, including protocol updates and the distribution of funds, as well as other regulatory changes. RGT was founded in October 2020 by Alexei Falin and Marina Stavorenko, co-founders of Rarible. Rarible is an open protocol for anyone to easily and securely create, trade, and manage ownership of digital assets (essentially digital products).The platform is designed to become a decentralized global marketplace for creators and collectors to freely trade digital assets. Rarible facilitates peer-to-peer transactions and the real-time trading of digital assets, such as artwork, digital collectibles, music, educational content, and gaming items. What makes RGT unique is that it is a decentralized and permissionless token. This means anyone can purchase, trade and hold RGT without needing permission from a central authority. In addition, the token is deflationary, meaning its supply is built-in to reduce over time. As a result, the token is expected to appreciate over time, making it an attractive asset for investors. RGT is primarily used to access Rarible’s governance functionality. Those holding the token can vote on key decisions that have a direct impact on the future of the platform and its community. As votes on governance decisions are cast, RGT tokens are burned, ultimately decreasing its supply and increasing its value. RGT is available for purchase and trading through Rarible’s native token exchange as well as other major exchanges such as Binance, Huobi Global and Huobi Korea. To acquire RGT, users must register and pass a KYC process to comply with local laws and regulations. Comments I love the concept of Rari Governance Token as it provides a new tool for investors. It allows people to have a voice in decisions that impact the platform and its community. Plus, the token being deflationary will likely appreciate over time, making it a good investment for those who decide to purchase it.