Qtum (QTUM)

$ 2.313000000000000000

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What is Qtum Cryptocurrency? Qtum (QTUM) is a blockchain platform designed to bridge the gap between the financial and technical worlds by offering a flexible smart-contracts platform, while still remaining secure and compliant with industry regulations. Qtum features a consensus mechanism similar to Bitcoin, using SPV technology to maximize speed and scalability. Qtum also supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (dapps). Qtum was created by Patrick Dai, Jordan Earls, and Neil Mahi in 2017. Who Founded Qtum? Qtum was founded by Patrick Dai, Jordan Earls, and Neil Mahi in 2017. In 2018, the team raised $35 million in funding from a group of over thirty venture capital investors to grow their development team and recruit more blockchain talent. What Makes Qtum Unique? Qtum is unique compared to other blockchain projects for a number of reasons. Its consensus mechanism uses SPV technology, allowing for faster and more scalable transactions. It also has a hybrid consensus model, combining proof-of-stake and UTXO, which is an additional layer of security and ensures a high level of precision and reliability. Qtum also features an optimized Virtual Machine which improves both the speed and scalability of the network. Where is Qtum Used? Qtum is used in a variety of applications, such as high-frequency trading, decentralized exchanges, the sharing economy, identity management, and gaming. It is also being used in various industries such as healthcare and supply chain management. Qtum is also being adopted by governments in Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Thailand, and Philippines, as a way to streamline their operations. Where Can I Buy/Sell Qtum? You can buy and sell Qtum on numerous exchanges, including major ones such as Binance, Huobi Global, and OKEx. You can also purchase Qtum with fiat currency through Coinbase Pro. Additionally, Qtum is supported by many wallets, ranging from desktop and mobile wallets to hardware wallets such as the Ledger Nano S and Trezor. Comments Qtum is an ambitious project that is aimed at bridging the gap between blockchain technology and traditional financial systems. Its consensus mechanism, smart contracts platform and virtual machine technology are all highly acclaimed and offer users unprecedented levels of security and scalability. If you're looking to get started with a blockchain project, Qtum is definitely worth looking into!