Prom (PROM)

$ 4.117000000000000000

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Prom (PROM) is a cryptocurrency coin created with the aim of offering users a transaction medium with low transaction fees, fast confirmation times and security from manipulation. It was created by a team of blockchain developers, including founders Peter Michel and Kris Marchuk who developed the coin on the Ethereum protocol. The developers hope to build a payment network driven by an open source, decentralized and trustless network. Prom Coin is unique in its ability to facilitate transactions on multiple networks and provide users with an easy-to-use wallet. It makes it simple to interact with applications built on the Ethereum network and can be used as cryptocurrency in both physical and digital stores. Prom has an off-chain scaling solution where businesses and individuals can pay substantially cheaper fees. Prom can be used in multiple ways, from store payments to peer-to-peer payments. Prom is accepted in a wide range of stores and offers users the ability to pay for goods and services with low fees. It is also a great option for online payments as it offers users a secure and fast experience. You can buy and sell Prom on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bittrex, Changelly and Poloniex. These exchanges are popular platforms for buying, trading and selling Prom and other various cryptocurrency coins. It is important to note that when buying and selling cryptocurrencies such as Prom, users should be well informed about the risks associated with such digital assets. Prom is a useful cryptocurrency that allows users to quickly and securely complete transactions at low fees. Its unique features, such as its ability to interact with the Ethereum protocol, make it a desirable choice for businesses and individuals. Additionally, Prom is widely accepted in stores, boasting a wide range of purchases it can be used to complete. Before investing in Prom it is important to research and understand the risks associated with cryptocurrency exchanges, such as security and cost.