Pivx (PIVX)

$ 3.537460000000000000

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PIVX is an open-source and decentralized cryptocurrency, based on Dash but with some key differentiators. It stands for "Private Instant Verified Transaction" and is an interesting cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy, simplicity and scalability. It was created in 2016 by a group of developers, including some from the original Dash project, who saw areas where the Dash coin could be improved upon, forming PIVX shortly after. What makes PIVX unique? There are several features that make PIVX unique compared to other cryptocurrencies: 1. It uses a Proof-of-Stake (POS) consensus algorithm rather than a Proof-of-Work (POW) algorithm. This makes it more energy efficient and allows users to earn rewards for validating transactions. 2. It has a low transaction fee, allowing users to send and receive PIVX with lower cost. 3. The PIVX blockchain is immune to hacking, as the distributed ledger technology is highly secure and immutable. 4. It has a low block time, meaning faster confirmation of transactions (only 60 seconds!). This makes PIVX suitable for everyday purchases. 5. It uses a self-funded governance system to make decisions about the project. Where can you use PIVX? PIVX is currently accepted as payment by several merchants, including some online stores and physical stores. It is also increasingly popular on trading platforms and is often used for transactions on the decentralized exchanges. Where to buy/sell PIVX? PIVX is available to buy and sell on many popular cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, KuCoin, and Coinbase. You can also purchase it from broker websites, like Changelly and LocalBitcoin. In conclusion, PIVX is an interesting cryptocurrency with several unique features that make it an ideal choice for users who value privacy, speed and affordability. It is widely accepted as payment and is available on many popular exchanges.