Ost (OST)

$ 0.111877500000000000

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WHAT IS OST CRYPTOCURRENCY? OST (Open Sas Team) is a Ethereum-based token developed to serve as the main cryptocurrency of the upcoming Openst protocol. This protocol is designed to facilitate the development and use of Ethereum-based applications by allowing users to more easily create and interact with their own dapps (Decentralized Applications). Users can create their own custom tokens and and use them to pay for goods and services. OST (OST) cryptocurrency is used as the primary currency within this ecosystem, and is used to purchase items from users who have built their own dapps. WHO FOUNDED IT? OST (Open Sas Team) was founded by CEO Jason Goldberg in 2017 with the aim of providing users with a more efficient, reliable and secure way to use blockchain technology. Jason has previously been involved in the founding of both Fab.com and Pepo. WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE? One of the unique aspects of OST (OST) is its utilization of Smart Contracts, which makes transactions within the network much faster, cheaper and more secure. This reduces the amount of time and money spent on transactions and allows users to instantly access their funds. Additionally, OST’s protocol is built upon Ethereum’s blockchain, which allows developers to easily and quickly create their own dapps, giving them complete control over their creation’s functionality. WHERE IS IT USED? OST (OST) is primarily used for transactions within the Openst network. This network allows users to create and manage their own tokens and applications, and use them to purchase goods and services. It is currently being used to pay for goods and services on websites such as Hubii, CatchAFire and Googebee, and is also used to purchase digital items and services within virtual games such as Crypto Dungeon and Crypto Collectibles. WHERE TO BUY/SELL OST? OST (OST) can be bought and sold on several popular cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken, Gate.io and Tokenomy. OST is also available on peer-to-peer trading markets such as Localethereum and Bisq. COMMENTS OST (OST) looks like an interesting project with a lot of potential. I like the idea of having a protocol built on top of Ethereum’s blockchain for developers to create their own dapps. It could be a great way for developers to monetize their work. I would definitely recommend keeping an eye on this project.