Oax (OAX)

$ 0.169500000000000000

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OAX (OAX) is a cryptocurrency coin that aims to provide a secure, open source platform for decentralized exchange (a.k.a. “DEXs”). It was created by OpenANX, a joint venture between a consortium of blockchain industry organizations. The goal of OAX is to create a reliable, secure and efficient environment in which users can exchange and trade in digital assets. OAX was founded in 2017 by Open ANX Foundation (OAX), a company founded by some of the most influential and experienced cryptocurrency businesses, including Digix Global, Star Xu, Yunbi, and EtherCamp. OAX is built on the Ethereum blockchain and works on a decentralized exchange. What makes OAX unique is that it is designed to integrate the best features of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. This means that it will provide a secure and reliable platform for decentralized asset trading without sacrificing the security of centralized exchanges. OAX also has built-in privacy and data-protection features which are designed to protect users from market manipulation, as well as identity theft and other cybercrimes. OAX is designed to be used as a platform for decentralized asset exchanges, where users can securely trade in digital assets. It is also compatible with many other cryptocurrency projects, such as Augur and MakerDAO. OAX is also used as an API and toolset to help developers build decentralised applications (dApp). OAX can be bought and sold on a number of leading exchanges, including Binance, Huobi, and KuCoin. It can also be bought directly from OpenANX’s official website. OAX token holders can access a variety of features on the OpenANX platform, including access to the OAX marketplace and DEXs. Overall, OAX is an innovative cryptocurrency project that has the potential to revolutionize the way people trade in digital assets. Its integration of the best features of both centralized and decentralized exchanges will help users to trade securely without sacrificing security. With its high-level of privacy and data protection, OAX is a great choice for both traders and developers.