Nexus (NXS)

$ 2.316397000000000000

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What is Nexus (NXS) Cryptocurrency? Nexus (NXS) is a decentralized cryptocurrency, founded by Colin Cantrell, that was launched in 2014, based on the traditional proof-of-work consensus mechanism. It employs a hybrid system of Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of Work (PoW) to secure its network. Nexus is designed to be a secure, trustless, decentralized platform for digital transactions and peer-to-peer payments. Who founded it? Nexus was founded by Colin Cantrell in 2014. He is an American computer scientist and entrepreneur who has worked on satellite communications, robotics and cryptocurrency for more than 2 decades. He created Nexus to be a secure, trustless, decentralized platform for digital transactions and peer-to-peer payments. What Makes it Unique? Nexus employs an innovative hybrid system of Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of Work (PoW) to secure its network, making it more secure and reliable than many other cryptocurrency networks. In addition, Nexus also uses a unique core design which is based on a three-dimensional blockchain, allowing for faster transaction speeds and better scalability. Finally, Nexus offers a decentralized storage solution, allowing users to store their data securely on the network without the need for a central third-party storage provider. Where is it Used? Nexus is mainly used for transferring secure digital assets such as currency, cryptocurrency coins like Bitcoin, and Ethereum. It also enables users to transact with digital contracts and store data securely on the network. Where to Buy/Sell it? Nexus is available for purchase/sale on a variety of exchanges such as Binance, Bittrex, CryptoBridge, and Coindeal. The coin can also be purchased directly from the Nexus website using a credit card. Nexus is an innovative cryptocurrency offering an improved version of the traditional proof-of-work consensus algorithm with added layers of security, allowing for faster transactions and better scalability. It is also a great choice for storing digital assets and data securely on the network. With its improved security protocols and faster transaction speeds, Nexus is certainly worth considering for purchase or trade.