Monero (XMR)

$ 155.500000000000000000

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Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused and secure cryptocurrency designed to ensure the confidentiality of transactions. It was founded in April 2014 by a team of seven anonymous individuals who called themselves "thankful_for_today". It uses a proof-of-work consensus mechanism, which means that transactions must be confirmed by miners who are rewarded in Monero. At its core, Monero is a decentralized, open-source digital currency that was built on CryptoNote protocol. The most distinguishing trait of Monero is its use of ring signatures and stealth addresses. This technology allows users to send and receive payments confidentially, as the sender, receiver, and amount of the transaction remain unlinkable and thus, untraceable. All Monero transactions are also obfuscated by default, which makes them resistant to outside analysis and censorship. Monero is widely used as a form of payment and is one of the top ten coins by market capitalization. It is mainly used as a payment system for goods and services. It can be used to purchase products and services online, accepted as payment for online casinos, used for peer-to-peer transfers and crypto trading, and exchanged for other currencies, among other uses. Aside from payment and exchange services, Monero can also be used for social impact projects by donors who want to remain anonymous. Like other cryptos, it is also used for cross-border payments as it eliminates the need for exchange fees and conversion costs. You can buy and sell Monero (XMR) on most major exchanges globally such as Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Changelly, and Kraken. You can also buy directly with a debit or credit card through Changelly, with a bank transfer through Kraken, or through CEX.IO’s trading platform. Overall, Monero is an exciting cryptocurrency offering privacy, security, and anonymity to its users. Its open-source nature and active community of developers ensure developers and users alike are continuously improving its security and usability. While some people question its legitimacy, it remains one of the world’s most popular cryptos for its privacy and security features.