Mina (MINA)

$ 0.390200000000000000

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Mina is a lightweight cryptocurrency developed by members of the Stanford Blockchain Collective in 2019. It is the first cryptocurrency to be completely completely trustless and scales instantaneously to millions of users. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Mina is designed to be used on a global scale. With its compact blockchain, just 22KB in total size, it can securely store and process transactions without the need for powerful computers or dedicated servers. This makes it much more efficient than blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum and many others. Mina is a new take on digital money that was developed to better facilitate day-to-day transactions. It is not just digital cash, but a digital identity protocol as well, allowing users to verify information quickly and securely. This makes Mina perfect for peer-to-peer exchange, which is much faster than the traditional banking system. Mina is designed to be easy to use and fast. Transactions with Mina are nearly instantaneous, taking less than 3 seconds to process. As the blockchain is kept very small, the system can run off of mobile devices, unlike many of its larger competitors. The project was founded by Evan Shapiro, Justin Woo, and John Jordan. These three Stanford students first met at a blockchain hackathon in 2017 and found a mutual vision for Mina upon further collaboration. Their goal was to create a cryptocurrency which was simple, secure, and easily accessible. Mina also utilizes a novel consensus mechanism based on a data structure called a ‘Proof of Activity’ merkle tree. This allows miners to maintain the chain with fewer resources, reducing the energy requirements for running a node and making it much more resilient to attack. Mina is an open-source project built on the innovative blockchain technology. It is audited and tested by the community and is actively being developed to further its uses. Mina can be purchased on several major exchanges such as Binance, Huobi, and OKEx. It can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum or for fiat currencies. Mina is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that is aimed at becoming an international, trusted means of exchange. It is lightweight, secure, and easy to use, making it perfect for everyday transactions. With its audited and secure blockchain, low energy requirements, and fast transactions, it has a lot of potential to disrupt the traditional banking system.