Loom network (LOOM)

$ 0.113320000000000000

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Loom Network (LOOM) is an Ethereum-based platform that provides a platform for developers to create and deploy fast and secure blockchain games and applications for the Ethereum mainnet. It was founded by Matthew Campbell, Luke Zhang, and James Duffy. Loom Network was built to help address the scalability issues encountered by blockchain networks. Its platform makes it possible for anyone to customize and deploy their own blockchain applications and games without dealing with the complexities of building and maintaining the underlying blockchain. What makes Loom Network unique is its combination of scalability and security. Its blockchain leverages sidechains, an optimized version of the Ethereum network, to process large amounts of data quickly. This allows developers to build highly scalable and decentralized applications faster and more efficiently. As a token, LOOM is used to pay for transaction fees and other services on the Loom Network. It can also be used to purchase certain goods and services on the platform, such as game items and platform-specific features. Loom Network is available to buy and sell on several major exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi Global, KuCoin, and OKEx. Comments - Loom Network is a great platform for developers looking to build apps for the Ethereum blockchain. - The scalability and security of their platform make it a great choice for developers looking to build fast and secure applications. - LOOM tokens are useful for paying for services on the platform, as well as purchasing goods and services. - You can buy and sell LOOM on major exchanges such as Binance, Huobi Global, KuCoin, and OKEx.