Livepeer (LPT)

$ 5.570000000000000000

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Livepeer (LPT) is a cryptocurrency coin that was created in 2017 by its founder, computer scientist Doug Petkanics. The coin was built upon an open source protocol that provides a trustless, low fee and easy to setup broadcasting platform powered by distributed blockchain decentralized nodes. In terms of underlying technology, Livepeer operates on the Ethereum network. Livepeer is intended to enable video streaming providers to deliver a quality video experience while significantly lowering broadcast costs. The platform allows a video to be streamed directly to streaming participants without the overhead and complexity associated with a traditional streaming sequence (a.k.a. the 3 P2P-RTP + post-processing). The technology behind Livepeer tries to achieve security, scalability and cost efficiency in providing video streaming quality. Livepeer has also implemented a permissionless and decentralized staking system, which allows users to receive rewards for validating transactions with their computing resources. Furthermore, Livepeer seeks to overcome the challenge of Internet censorship that is becoming increasingly prevalent by providing a censorship-resistant platform. The Livepeer platform is open to developers who can create decentralized applications (dApps) that work with Livepeer’s technology. These dApps enable developers and media companies to realized a more cost-effective and secure video experience. Livepeer's coins can be purchased and sold on crypto exchanges like Binance, OKEx and Huobi. Livepeer coins are used to pay for transaction validation, staking, and services on the Livepeer network. Livepeer coins are also used to pay content producers and streaming providers for their services. To sum up, Livepeer is a decentralized streaming platform designed to provide a trustless, low fee and easily set up broadcasting experience powered by distributed blockchain decentralized nodes. Its open source platform allows developers to create dApps and the Livepeer coins are used to pay for transaction validation and services related to Livepeer. Finally, the Livepeer coins can be purchased and sold on some of the major cryptocurrency exchanges.