Litentry (LIT)

$ 0.643000000000000000

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Litentry is a new cryptocurrency aimed at creating a decentralized identity and credit system. Founded in 2020, Litentry is built on the Substrate blockchain and aims to create a unified digital identity and credit system that is free from central control. What makes Litentry unique is its use of a multi-chain identity framework and an economic incentive system for identity verification. This creates an environment where identity is securely stored and shared across multiple chains, allowing for a more secure and reliable means of verifying a user’s identity. The Litentry coin, or LIT, is the currency used on the Litentry network. It is used as an economic incentive for identity verification as well as a means of rewarding users for their contributions to the ecosystem. LIT can also be used to purchase services such as storage, data, and identity services. Litentry coins can be purchased and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. There are currently several exchanges that support the trading of LIT, including Binance, OKEx, Huobi Global, and more. Litentry is also the focus of a Livepeer staking project. Livepeer is a decentralized video streaming platform, and users of the platform can stake their LIT to earn rewards proportional to the amount of stake held. This allows users to earn passive income while supporting the Livepeer network. Overall, Litentry is an innovative and revolutionary project that stands to revolutionize the digital identity and credit system. It’s use of a multi-chain identity framework and an economic incentive system make it a secure and reliable option for users to verify their identity without relying on centralized authorities. Additionally, the use of the Livepeer staking project makes it an attractive option for those looking for a reliable and secure way to earn passive income. Litentry is certainly a project to keep an eye on in the coming years.